
Current wait time for Commissions is - ~4 weeks
(Deadlines earlier than this wait time may be subject to Rush Production charges.)

Average price of a 3-4 minute long song is around $35-$45 depending on what all needs to be included in the song.

What kind of songs can I get commissioned?

Anything from an Original Character Theme song, to an exciting Boss Battle Theme, an Emotional Ballad for a significant moment, a subtle Ambient Track, some Bangin' Grooves for gaming, or just some Chill Tunes with which to stream or study.
(you can click on all the highlighted songs for examples of these kinds of songs)

But these are just some ideas for songs. If you have something else in mind, please don't hesitate to ask.

I do my best to replicate or match any style or genre of music you have in mind. But the styles and genres I'm most proficient with are orchestral soundtrack, folk, and rock/metal.

How do I Commission a Custom Song?

First off, thank you for seeking me out to help make your custom music commission!
Secondly, I
HIGHLY recommend contacting me via Discord to talk one-on-one about your song.

email: Discord: Vorpal Lance Music#4109

Thirdly, I have a Google Form that you can fill out that should tell you what to expect and how we progress through the process of a music commission. Should only take about 5 minutes or so to fill out.

There are certain things that can affect the price of a commission, such as requesting electric/acoustic guitar (recorded), requesting lyrics/vocals, adding sound effects, length and complexity of the song, etc. If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to ask.